If ever there’s a time for comfort food, it’s 5 November. Serve delicious beetroot, sausages and, of course, baked potatoes
It is 5 November, Bonfire Night. A chance to light up the sky with shooting stars of pink and gold, dance around the flames and to warm all-comers with a pot of fat sausages and beans from the oven. Even if your idea of commemorating the failure of the Gunpowder Plot runs to little more than writing your name in the night air with a sparkler, generous amounts of one-pot fare is crucial. Revelry isn’t half as much fun on an empty stomach.
For my money, baked potatoes are pretty much non-negotiable on Bonfire Night
If ever there’s a time for comfort food, it’s 5 November. Serve delicious beetroot, sausages and, of course, baked potatoes
It is 5 November, Bonfire Night. A chance to light up the sky with shooting stars of pink and gold, dance around the flames and to warm all-comers with a pot of fat sausages and beans from the oven. Even if your idea of commemorating the failure of the Gunpowder Plot runs to little more than writing your name in the night air with a sparkler, generous amounts of one-pot fare is crucial. Revelry isn’t half as much fun on an empty stomach.
For my money, baked potatoes are pretty much non-negotiable on Bonfire Night