If you’re not having much luck on the dating app front, then we might have a theory why.
Forget your (lack of) height, your terrible profile photo or the fact you’re clearly in a relationship.
Have you ever considered that your sentence structure is putting potential suitors off?
According to recent research by dating app TrueView, you’re 68% more likely to get a response to your message if you use proper sentences.
Probably because it’s 2017 and we’re not 15-year-olds on MSN Messenger acronym-ing the hell out of life.
The dating app discovered that users are 45% more likely to get a response if they send a personal message – it actually surprises me that the figure is that low.
Receiving a ‘hi’ or a ‘hey babe’ would put me right off.
It makes me think you’ve sent the same message to a load of other women, which makes you seem desperate, which makes my vagina close up.

They also found out that you’re 66% more likely to hear back from your future bae if you keep your language on the polite side AKA keeping those expletives on the down low, at least until you’ve got to know them.
TrueView has even introduced a word detection system on their app to encourage you to reassess your life choices if you attempt to use a ‘naughty’ word.
It’s just like having your mum sub-edit your messages. Cute.
TrueView also has a nudity filter to stop you from sending dick/tit pics to potential suitors. Again, thanks mum.
They’ve done it because they want their users to form serious, long-lasting relationships, not just casual hook-ups.
Which is very thoughtful.
I still won’t be downloading it though – apps are full of game players and ain’t nobody got time for that, bb.
MORE: What it’s like to date when you’re blind
MORE: Rise in people getting gonorrhoea blamed on dating apps like Tinder

If you’re not having much luck on the dating app front, then we might have a theory why.
Forget your (lack of) height, your terrible profile photo or the fact you’re clearly in a relationship.
Have you ever considered that your sentence structure is putting potential suitors off?
According to recent research by dating app TrueView, you’re 68% more likely to get a response to your message if you use proper sentences.
Probably because it’s 2017 and we’re not 15-year-olds on MSN Messenger acronym-ing the hell out of life.
The dating app discovered that users are 45% more likely to get a response if they send a personal message – it actually surprises me that the figure is that low.
Receiving a ‘hi’ or a ‘hey babe’ would put me right off.
It makes me think you’ve sent the same message to a load of other women, which makes you seem desperate, which makes my vagina close up.

They also found out that you’re 66% more likely to hear back from your future bae if you keep your language on the polite side AKA keeping those expletives on the down low, at least until you’ve got to know them.
TrueView has even introduced a word detection system on their app to encourage you to reassess your life choices if you attempt to use a ‘naughty’ word.
It’s just like having your mum sub-edit your messages. Cute.
TrueView also has a nudity filter to stop you from sending dick/tit pics to potential suitors. Again, thanks mum.
They’ve done it because they want their users to form serious, long-lasting relationships, not just casual hook-ups.
Which is very thoughtful.
I still won’t be downloading it though – apps are full of game players and ain’t nobody got time for that, bb.
MORE: What it’s like to date when you’re blind
MORE: Rise in people getting gonorrhoea blamed on dating apps like Tinder